Dr. Gary Horne is the premier data farming scientist in the world today. He coined the name of data farming over 30 years ago, and has been awarded the NATO Science Award for outstanding data analysis and simulation work. He has led 32 international data farming workshops around the globe including in Finland, Hawaii, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and many other locations. He has led and participated in numerous NATO Modelling and Simulation Groups. Dr. Horne is a former professor at the US Naval Postgraduate School and is an elite data scientist. He is an original founder of Stilwell Technology and Robotics and has led many data science and simulation projects for NATO and the European Union. Dr. Horne has produced and edited Scythe : Proceedings and Bulletin of the International Data Farming Community (Journal) which has highlighted data farming over the past years.
Some examples of how Dr. Horne has integrated Data Farming into simulation and data population of systems